Marriage and neighbors
Getting married
Wedding night
Losing weight
Respectable occupations
Doctors and lawyers
School and other categories
At school
Instruction manuals
Restaurants, bars and pubs
A wife says to her husband:
A young man, who recently graduated from college, meets his old high school teacher.
During the wedding night, the husband stands still in their bedroom and looks in the window.
After a while, his wife asks him what is going on.
A woman comes to a pharmacy store and asks the salesperson:
During a party a doctor speaks with a lawyer.
Every few minutes someone interrupts them, asking the doctor for an advice
about some medical matters. After an hour, the doctor has become annoyed, and asks the lawyer:
A passenger airplane was having troubles with the engine,
so the first pilot instructed the passengers and the crew to take their seats,
fasten the seatbelts, and be prepared for emergency landing.
After a few minutes, the pilot asked one of the flight attendants,
if all the passengers were ready for emergency landing. A mathematician announced a lottery game, and said that the award will be infinite. When he sold all the coupons, the winner showed up to him to receive the prize. Then the mathematician explained to him the way of distributing the money: you will get $1 now, then you will get 50 cents next week, then you will get a quarter in two weeks...
A father asks his son:
A Superman costume, intended for kids, includes the following statement:
In a restaurant, a waiter brings the customer a soup that he just ordered.
After a moment, the customer asks him:
In a pub there is a little stage and a band playing music.
A customer calls for the waiter and asks:
John has a cousin who lives in a city.
One day his cousin comes over for a visit and asks John: |
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